Highway Book Shop   1957-2011
Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
Gone, but not forgotten
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Highway Book Shop Authors

Highway Book Shop

This list is alphabetical and does not include organizations, only individuals. It is included in the Appendix of the book, and listed here for easier research.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Abel, Ben

Abraham, Norman

Adams, Olive

Aiken, David

Aiken, Zorav

Aldred, Jim (editor)

Allen, Iris

Allhusen, Carl (compiler)

Allinson, Sidney

Ardito, Mary

Armitage, Budd

Armitage, Gail

Arnett, Janet

Arney, Ada

Arnill, Beatrice

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Baker, Becky

Baldwin, Doug

Baltensperger, Peter

Barnes, Michael

Batisse, Ken George

Bauer, George W.

Beavon, Daphne Odjig

Begley, M.F.

Benham, Leslie

Benham, Lois

Benson, Evadne

Benson, John

Berlinguette, Leo

Bilusack, Lois

Bliss, Wayne

Boucher, Micheline

Bowes, Jane

Brayford, Marion

Brebner, Phyllis Lee

Broadbent, Carmon

Brock, Gordon

Bromilow, Fern

Brown, E. Lenore

Brown, L. Carson

Bryan, Ruby Gibbins

Buchar, Breetz

Buchar, Cynthia

Buchar, Frank

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Camp, Mike

Carmichael, May

Cassidy, George L.

Churchill, James E.

Cleaver, Nancy

Clement, Andrew

Cole, Arthur A.

Collins, Kenneth S.

Colombo, John Robert

Colquhoun, Gwen

Conroy, Hal

Convey, Paul

Cook, Lyn

Cote, Gloria

Cowan, Bob

Craven, Nora E.

Crawford, Venetia

Croteau, Fran

Culver, Irene McNulty

Cummins, Bryan

Curry, Don

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Davis, Jack

Dehaas, David

Desrocher, Audrey B.

Dewar, Crawford E.

Dick, Leonard G.

Didone, Angelo

Dirks, Mrs. Willy

Dobbs, Brian

Donaldson, Andrew

Duchesne, David

Dufoe, Gordon

Dunbar, Pamela

Dunn, John,

Dunn, Valerie

Duquette, George

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Eastman, Byron

Elliot, David

Ellis, Anne

Essex, James William

Evans, G. Herberton III

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Fancy, Peter

Farmiloe, Dorothy

Farr, Charles Cobbold

Ferguson, William

Flack, Brian

Flick, Don

Fowke, H. Shirley

Fox, Mary Lou

Franks, Patricia

Fraser, Allan

Fraser, Marguerite J.

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Gagnon, Gabe

Garrett, Blanche

Gauthier, Yvon

Gervais, Albert "Monty"

Gillan, Sally Grover

Gillespie, W. G.

Gilmour, Nancy

Girard, Suzanne

Gordon, Robert

Grawbarger, Josephine

Gray, Georgev

Gray-Cobb, Geoffrey

Groom, Maude

Guppy, John E.

Guy, Louise

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Hammerstrom, Frances Field

Handley, Peter (editor)

Hanes, Dave

Hansen, Susan

Harpé, Dyane Collins

Harrington, Lyn

Heintzman, Lee

Helm, Norman

Higgins, Edwin G.

Hill, E. L.

Hodgins, Bruce W.

Hodgins, Carol

Hogan, Brian

Holley, Frank

Hollywell, Marg

Horan, Ruth

Hoselton, Carl Jerome

Hosick, Helen Mason

Houston, Donald S.

Houston, Dorothy M.

Howell, Olive

Huff, Eleanor

Hulland, Wayne

Hunt, John

Hutton, Deborah

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Irvine, L. H. T.

Iserhoff, Juliette

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Jackson, Florence E.

Jemmett, Chistopher L.

Johnson, Terry

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Kagan, Molly

Keenan, Fred

Kelly, Ernest

Kemp, Grant

Kenwell, Don

Keon, Orville

Keon, Wayne

Klaasen, H. J.

Knight, Rosemary

Koens, Peter Roger

Kohls, Dan "Redhot"

Kurisko, Joan

Kurowski, Louis S.

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LaBrecque, Claude X.

Lamirande, Andre E

Landry, Margaret

Latta, Ruth Olsen

Lawrence, Mary

Lawrence, Richard

Lazarus, Sandus

Leach, V.

Leclair, Shirley

Leduc, M.A.

Lee, Patricia

Leitzke, Marcie

Lennox, Wayne

Lever, Bernice A.

Lever, R. W.

Lewis, John E.

Locke, Charles (editor)

Long, John S.

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Maar, John

MacDougall, Archie

MacDougall, Jean

MacNeil, James (aka Phil H. Melville)

MacPherson, George G.

MacPherson, Jim

Magann, Pamela

Magill, Katherine

Magoon, Wallace H.

Mallette, Beverley Dixon

Mansell, William C.

Manson, Fred (editor)

Margison, John E.

Martin, Sebastian

Mason, John C.

Mason, Joseph

Mason, S. John

Mathews, Elizabeth (aka Cleaver, Nancy)

McCracken, Barney

McFarlane, Leslie

McGill, Jean

McKendry-Fenton, Bonnie

McKinnon, Keith

McLaren, David

McNab, Valerie

Melville, Phil H.

Mitchell, Ken

Mitchell, Phyllis

Mole, Elise Haddon

Montaigne, Bill

Moore, Gordon

Moore, Kermot A.

Morel, Irene

Motiar, Ahmed

Moulton, June Fuller

Murison, C E

Murphy, John P.

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Neal, Elizabeth

Newton-White, Muriel E

Nielson, Nellie

Noah, Irene (compiler)

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O'Hara, Peggy

Oman, Mary M.

Orcutt, Judith

Osborn, Flora E.

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Parker, Marie

Parker, Nancy

Parks, Milton

Pearson, Mike

Peeper, Alice (aka Ada Arney)

Penhale, Barry

Perry, J. Edward

Piché, Germaine

Pilipchuk, Gary

Plumstead, A.W. "Bill"

Pollard, Douglas C.

Powell, David D.

Preston, Diane

Pritchard, Robert E.

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Rainville, Dorothy

Rainville, Morris

Ramsey, Sue

Raphael, Maryanne

Reid, Ruby

Reu, David G

Richard, Maurice

Richards, Ethel

Rickard, Andrew

Roach, Tom (editor)

Robertson, Louise

Robins, Alice May

Robinson, Marion

Robinson, Robert R.

Rodden, Michael

Romanko, Ronald

Ross, Catherine

Roy, Omer

Royer, Lucien

Rushworth, Madeline

Russell, Ruth

Rychlo, M.A.

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Sabourin, Pascal

Scanlon, Reverend James

Schacht, Nancy W.

Seguin, Gilles L.


Shave, Colleen

Sheehan, Brian

Ship, Marlene Moore

Sim, Dave

Sirola, Barbara

Sirola, D. Grant

Skinner, Norman "Doc"

Small, Lilian

Smith, Orville W.

Smylie, Clifford Hugh

Smylie, Mary Belle (compiler)

Sneyd, Lola

Sotebeer, Titia

Speyers, Judith Ann

Sprenger, Anita

Sprenger, Jon

Stephen, Willie

Stickter, Jim

Stoodley, Forbes

Stopps, Winnifred

Stortroen, Magne

Strickland, Helen M.

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Taylor, Bruce W.

Thaxter, Verna Thom

Thomas, Velma

Thompson, R. F.

Tremain, Mary Helen

Turner, Daisy

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VandenHazel, Bessel J.

Vranch, Margaret

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Wallace, W. Stewart

Wallingford, Ron

Walton, W. W.

Ward, Margaret

Warner, Glen

Weisele, Angelika S.

Weller, Stella

Wesley, Gloria

Wetjen, Andre

Wilcox, Gladys

Wilke, Al and Margi

Willett, L.H.

Willing, Kathlene

Wills, Harold A.

Wilson, Frank C.

Wilson, Maria

Winters, Jason

Wipprecht, Helmut

Wistinghausen, Nik

Wrigley, Ronald

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Zika, L. K.

Zenik, Robert

Zorbas, Greg